Monday, September 28, 2009
Forex Calculator - Euros to Dollars Conversion
If you have to a fast and simple agency to converting any bill to addition actuality are some adopted barter calculators you will ambition to consider.
Shortlist Bill Calculators ? These is a calculator which has admission to the above currencies in the world. Euros to dollars conversion
These calculators are adapted consistently by their hosts and accommodate appealing authentic conversions of currencies such as US dollars ( USD, Euros ( EU Buck ), Australian cash ( AUD ), and the Japanese Yen ( JPY ). If you accord in these currencies, and some added accepted currencies again this calculator will answer for you.
Longform Bill Calculators ? If you ambition to accord in a beyond array of currencies again the Longform Bill Calculator is for you. These calculators are, except for getting adapted with the a lot of contempo ante of the a lot of able-bodied admired currencies, are aswell able of alteration even the majority of the bottom accepted currencies around.
These calculators about accord with 50 currencies.
Aside from just assuming after conversions from one bill to another, these History Calculators aswell abundance in a appropriate database actual abstracts apropos a currency.
This is abundant for those that barter currencies or ambition to apperceive how a bill is currently faring at the market. If you, for any reason, ambition to analysis the adopted barter amount of a assertive bill on a accustomed accomplished date, the History Calculator can get you your advice in a jiffy.
Most History Calculators are adapted circadian and accommodate abundant abstracts for months. When allotment a bill calculator, you may additionally ambition to accede those that amend automatically abounding times a day.
It about arranges ante and conversions of assorted currencies in a cast that permits for simple comparison.
This affectionate of calculator is a adjustable alternative of the crossrate abstracts a lot of banking newspapers carry.
These are actual accessible for those consistently on the go.
A alternative of this calculator works by accepting bill calculations based on the catechism beatific by the adaptable subscriber. This blazon of calculator works able-bodied for active association absent a fast advertence anytime, anywhere.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
More About Adaptable Bill Converters
Mobile Technology and Internet Access
There are several companies that accommodate bill converters for adaptable devices. The use of corpuscle phones has become ancient in areas with adaptable service. Smart phones and Blackberries acquiesce the user to admission the internet and accomplish about any action. A lot of of the apple has been quick to accept adaptable technology and adaptable accessories accept afflicted the way humans acquaint and do business.
WorldMate Live Bill Advocate For Blackberry
In antecedent online writing we accept acicular out the assorted uses of cellular accessories and accurately bill converters. Adaptable bill converters acquiesce the user to account affairs in a lot of currencies. For Blackberry users WorldMatelive offers a chargeless bill about-face application. The WorldMateLive bill advocate can be accessed at App Apple and takes about 10 account to download. After the download WorldMate Live takes about 3 account to install. The bill advocate has the adequacy to account affairs in 160 apple currencies. WorldMate Live aswell provides all-around acclimate reports, allegory archive for accouterment sizes, and an beat organizer.
WorldMate Live for Other Phones
In accession to the Blackberry appliance WorldMate Live aswell provides a agnate bill advocate for the afterward phones; Samsung Blackjack, Motorola Q, or a PDA with windows adaptable software. The appliance is chargeless and can be accessed at and takes about 10 account to download.
The aCurrency Converter
For those with a T Adaptable buzz the aCurrency bill advocate is accessible for download from the Android Market. This bill advocate covers 160 currencies. Every time the bill advocate is opened it automatically updates the latest bill barter rates.
The ACT Bill Converter
For iPhone users the ACT Bill all-around bill advocate is accessible from the iTunes App Store. This bill advocate covers 190 currencies and is adapted by hitting the brace button. The ATC bill advocate costs $1 which is awfully inexpensive.
While these bill converters are advised with the day-tripper in apperception they could calmly be of use to bill traders who charge to analysis bill barter ante generally throughout the day and may not accept actual admission to a computer.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
From national currencies to the universal currency
Money is the only human invention capable of embodying both dreams and reality in an indissoluble bond; it is the abstract distributor of hope and a concrete means of controlling the lives of human beings and nations.
From its first appearance in the Near East in the form of shiny little metal spheres, money has long been entrusted with the fates and fame of great kings, such as King Croesus (hence the saying, “as rich as Croesus”). The same is true of cities famous beyond the borders of the known world at that time: Athens, Corinth, and Aegina. In a world that measured time against the ancient Olympic games, the Croesus coins, Athenian Owls, Pegasus coins, and Aegean Turtles united different peoples in bonds made permanent by economic interests, often backed up by military force.
This period was doomed to be short, flames that soon died out under the ashes of time. With his seemingly unstoppable army, Alexander the Great, had managed to create and implement a single monetary system in Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, Babylonia and beyond, which was well organised into three metals (gold, silver and bronze) with coins of identical weight and type for people who were very different from one another. Yet even this dream of his floundered on the banks of the Euphrates river at the end of spring 323 BC. After Alexander’s death, the political break-up of the territories he had conquered led to the unravelling of a monetary system that had not had enough time to grow deep roots in Asia.
Events took a different turn with Rome. The unification of Roman territories, with political and administrative control of provinces in Europe, Asia and Africa, ensured that conditions were in place for Roman currency to become implemented in systematic, profound manner in every corner of the vast Empire. First there were denarii, aurei and later sestertia; these became the tangible sign of a strong, well-organised central power able to control and unify highly diverse territories, cultures, economies and social fabrics. The Legions of the Roman Republic brought the silver denarius bearing the head of the Goddess Roma to newly conquered lands. Subsequently, Roman magistrates were sent by the Roman people and Senate or Emperor (as was the case) to ensure that a well-organised society (where even old, local coins could still be used for minor daily errands) would be centered on Roman currency. This situation held strong for over seven centuries, thanks to a dynamic power that survived pressure from the Barbarians and the transfer of Imperial insignia to Constantinople in 476 AD.
Indeed, the gold solidus (or Byzantine coin) – a pure metal coin created by Constantine in the early 4th century AD in order to reverse the free fall of the old, glorious yet unsalvageable denarius, continued to function as an international currency. However, the times had changed for good. It was no longer the unifying authority of a strong State that guaranteed the currency’s success; it was the “faith” of different peoples and market mechanisms, rather than political rule, that did so.
Thus the Byzantine coin continued to perform its role along ancient Mediterranean routes, making its way through the dark Middle Ages and imitated by Goths, Lombards, Arabs and Normans alike.
Meanwhile, Europe began breaking up into thousands of small territories controlled locally by castles and monasteries, until the time of Charlemagne.
Under the Carolingian Empire, the European continent returned to conditions which enabled the relaunch of a high Medieval European “single currency”, as we would label it today: the silver denier. Although different in weight and alloy, and tied to a pound of around 400 grams (of which it was worth 240 parts), this new currency remained based on the old Roman system of the silver denarius. However, as with the Roman denarius, the Carolingian denier was also destined to lose weight and intrinsic quality - to devalue - over time.
By the era of the Italy of Communes and great maritime republics, the gold ducats of Genoa, Florence and Venice were reigning in the market places of Europe and the entire Mediterranean basin (conquering the markets of Levant). The old silver Carolingian denier had already gone down other roads, in the various districts in which it had taken root. All later attempts to revive the denier were in vain.
History seemed to repeat itself. Like the ancient Greek Polis, so the Italian Communes, which were only formally tied to the Empire, in the absence of a strong centralised power, attempted to organise themselves territorially by forming monetary ties: between 1230 and 1250, Pisa, Siena, Lucca, Florence and Arezzo; and in 1254, it was the turn of Cremona, Bergamo, Brescia, Piacenza, Tortona, and Pavia. In short, the Communes sought local agreements to solve the historical problem of numerous different currencies.
However, the geographical discoveries of the 15th century, influx of a large amount of precious metals to Europe, the opening of new mines, and more rational, modern exploitation of ancient metal veins, would soon lead to the radical transformation of the social and political fabric of Europe, whose financial and market centers attempted by all means possible to withstand the weight of competition that was increasingly tougher to face. To counter the lack of coins, existing credit systems were refined. Soon, bills of exchange became a safer instrument for bankers and merchants of the time.
The world had changed dramatically since the time of the ducats issued by Italian cities (Florins, Genoese and gold zecchino coins, the undisputed lords of international trade). Now, under the powerful shadow of Charles V, a new French gold currency, the écu au soleil or “Sun above the crown” enjoyed conditions in which to reign. Specifically, seven nations united in an agreement of sorts which led them to issue “scudo” coins whose weight and alloy were very similar: France, Spain, Genoa, Venice, Florence, Rome and Naples.
In essence, this heralded the first single international currency of the modern age.
More than two centuries later, France again gave birth to a new currency that would radically alter the monetary systems of the countries across Europe, particularly Italy, that adopted it. Named the Franco-Lira, with a centesimal subdivision, it originated during the French Revolution and was exported under Napoleon’s conquest of new lands.
From 1861 on, the Lira (divided into 100 cents) became the single currency of a unified Italy. Just a few years later, at a memorable session held on 23rd December 1865 in Paris, Italy, France, Switzerland and Belgium (later joined by Greece) signed an agreement which foresaw the adoption of a single currency, based on gold and silver divisions, which could circulate freely in the signatory countries, known as the Latin Monetary Union.
This was the first step towards simplifying means of payment, something which could be delayed no longer in a world that was bound increasingly by common economic and trade interests.
In 1871, the Confederation of Germanic States adopted the gold standard for its own monetary system. In 1873, Denmark signed a monetary agreement with Sweden which would later include Norway (in 1875). In 1892, Austria and Hungary also adopted a gold-standard monetary system.
Nonetheless, this too was abandoned in the 1930’s and 1940’s by all signatory countries: France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland and Italy, known as the “gold bar” countries.
What modern nation states required was a new platform for exchange that respected national sovereignty. For today’s Europe, this platform is the Euro.
Yet global market mechanisms are knocking at the door: the boundaries that divide us today will seem too narrow for tomorrow’s generation. Old national currencies will seem a relic from the past. And the utopia of a universal currency will become reality.
Silvana Balbi de Caro
referrence :
Monday, September 14, 2009
In a World Economy, One Currency to Rule Them All, Could the World be in Trouble?
The biggest expanding country in the world could be the biggest threat to the world economy. China has a growing list of superiority, including a fifth of the world's population, one of the largest countries in land mass, and the largest standing army just to mention a few. Its current government is only a little over a half of a century old, but has already been climbing to the top of the food chain; in terms of its economy. The state of its economy has been growing at an incredible rate over the years, landing at the second largest exporter and third largest importer of goods. China has always been one of those countries that are always in the news, both being presented as a positive and negative state in the world economy. Living in a tough time and a declining economy, who will come out on top?
We are living in a world economy and what happens in other parts of the world directly and/or indirectly affect the rest of us, whether we like it or not. With other countries' economies falling apart, eventually something will have to happen that will stabilize this event. The U.S. Dollar has been stable during this decline so far, even gaining strength against other currencies but so has the Chinese Yuan. In terms of money and the exchange of money, most countries have an amount of U.S. Dollars in some form; it's on its way to being a world currency. The only thing that is in its way is the Chinese Yuan.
If the Chinese economy is compared to historic events, it does resemble the United States' economy during the Industrial Revolution. If they stay on this track, that would lead them to become the most powerful country on the map. The difference now is technology. During the 18th century, there was the introduction of steam energy, today we have nuclear power. An economy growing at the rate of China's, people and businesses look forward to doing business there instead of other places. The costs of labor is cheaper and let's face it, they have the labor force to complete the job. This is great for China, but hurts other countries; jobs are outsourced and so is manufacturing. More money is being invested in their country, leaving room for expansion while other countries are at a standstill. The technology aspect can makes them a force to be reckoned with.
All this growth makes the Yuan more appealing. If other currencies decline in value, we can see a future with a world currency. The obvious choice for this currency is the U.S. Dollar; it's already being used in this way just not official. So what's the problem? The U.S. economy is not so great right now and the government is spending money like there's no tomorrow, but there is a tomorrow. The Dollar could also implode in the next few years and the Yuan is gaining in value against it. So what's the big deal? We do live in a world economy, not everything has to be in favor of the free world. The Chinese government, socialist republic ruled by Communist, and most of the world is against this form of government. If we can learn anything from history, Communist don't usually get along with most other forms of government. If they control the world currency, are expanding beyond everyone else, advancing in technology, ruled by Communist, and oh yea have the largest standing army in the world sounds like a formula for disaster.
China is a great place for expanding a business or getting cheaper labor, but at what cost in the end. Leaders have been known to get power hungry and run government in a way that is great for them and not the people they are ruling. When failing governments look for help, China can help in big ways, but China's history is a little all over the place with change of power. An unstable government in control of the world's assets smells like trouble.
Not saying this will happen, just making sure everyone is looking at all the possibilities. The world is changing; let's make sure it goes in the right direction. If we look back at history, we can see it has a habit of repeating itself. Great nations rise and fall, times of war and peace, but when the dust settles a leader rises up; hopefully for the world it is the right person for the position. Investing in China and reaching for their hand in help, is looking better more than ever and it is helping those struggling through this tough time. But we should make sure not all of the help and investments are in one area. Just like investing on Wall Street, if you put everything you have in one stock and that company folds up your portfolio is worth nothing. Let's be smart about where our future is going.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Forex Currency Exchange: the Quick Way to Profits
Forex Currency Exchange presents a tremendous opportunity to make money and create real wealth. Unfortunately, just like any other skill, it takes time to learn. Let's look at why this is, and what you can do to go from zero to profits as fast as possible.
Everybody Wants To Be A Black Belt
I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to be a master Martial Artist. We looked at all the karate actors like Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris and said, " I want to be a karate master like them!" But as we soon found out, wanting something and actually do it are two very different things.
The fact is, to become a master at anything requires dedication, training and skill. This is also true when investing in the Forex Currency Exchange. Your wish to be an accomplished Forex trader might be strong... how much are you prepared to do to make your dreams come true. (How many of you wanted to be Black Belts and actually did it?)
Learning Forex Currency Exchnage Takes Time
As soon as you try to learn Forex Currency Echange you'll realize everyone talks a different language. There are lots of industry related terms to learn. And while I have no doubt you can learn what you need to be successful over time... it will take some time.
In my situation, learning Forex by studying books, taking courses or learning it by trial and error was not what I was looking for. I have other things going on in my life I need to do to keep the money coming in. Furthermore, I want to be able to have the free time need to enjoy all the money I make as well! So, even if I did learn everything there was to know about currency exchange, I wouldn't be able to put it into action and really profit from it.
Automatic Forex Currency Exchange
While this may sound like something from a Sci-Fi movie, there is a way to take advantage of the Forex Currency Exchange opportunity without spending a lot of time learning or implementing Forex trading. There are computer scripts that trade for you according to the way they are programmed by the creators.
This is fantastic because you can actually be up and running (and profiting) in the Forex Market in a few minutes. The EA (Expert Advisor) computer script is attached to a trading platform like Metatrader4, and then it monitors the market and makes the trades for you. (While I always recommend testing everythng you do in a Demo account first, you could conceivably be trading your very first day, even as a complete beginner).
The other reason I prefer automatic Forex robots is because they are better than humans. They trade on preset indicators and market conditions, not emotion. This kind of systematic trading is exactly what you need to consistently make more winning trades than losing trades and make a huge fortune over time. No one is perfect, from the 20 year expert trader to the most advanced robot, but there are some robots that can make 90-95% winning trades on a consistent basis.
If you want to take advantage of Forex Currency Exchange and secure your financial future, and you want to get started fast, I suggest you use a proven Forex robot.
Friday, September 4, 2009
International Cost of Living Trends 2009
Exchange rates are volatile as they are based on short-term factors and are subject to substantial distortions from speculative movements, economic outlook and government interventions. In the short term, exchange rates, even when averaged over a period of time such as a year, are not a good measure of the comparative value of a salary in relation to its comparative international purchasing power. In the short to medium term at least, apparent changes in the comparative level of remuneration between one country and another may be principally a function of changes in the exchange rate.
A far better measure is salary purchasing power parity (SPPP) which is the amount of salary that equalizes the purchasing power of different currencies given the relative cost of the same basket of goods (cost of living) at the exchange rate versus one US Dollar. This means that a given salary, when converted into different currencies at the SPPP rates, will buy the same basket of goods and services in all countries.
The basket of goods and services used in SPPP calculations is derived on an International basis and includes certain items often excluded from expatriate cost of living data (most notably housing costs), however any or all of the 13 basket groups can be included or excluded from a calculation. SPPP's provide a reasonably good picture of the differences in standards of living for individual's resident and paid in different countries.
Internationally comparable data is crucial to forming sustainable expatriate pay policies and monitoring progress. Market exchange rates give misleading comparisons because they do not reflect salary purchasing power differences. Salary Purchasing Power Parities account for price differences between countries and so measure real quantities.
The ongoing impact of the credit crisis, slowing global economies, falling house prices, global stock market and exchange rate volatility, together with the US dollar and Euro strengthening against most currencies are all factors contributing to a major change in relative salary purchasing power, which can be seen from the global cost of living rankings as at January 2009.
London has already dropped from the most expensive place for expats to live to now rank 6th. New York has dropped to 50th but is now expected to begin to climb back up the ranking as the global recession impacts other parts of the world. Tokyo has reclaimed the title of the most expensive place in the world for expats in terms of salary purchasing power relative to all other international locations.
The salary purchasing power parity rank comprises cost of living indexes for each of 276 global locations. The indexes are calculated using the prices for specific quantities of the same goods and services in each location, based on expatriate spending patterns across 13 broad categories (Basket Groups).
The latest salary purchasing power parity ranking, together with the overall cost of living index, sourced from as at January 2009 is as follows:
Rank Location (Overall Cost of Living Index New York=100)
1.Japan, Tokyo (126.03)
2.Norway, Oslo (123.74)
3.Denmark, Copenhagen (121.11)
4.Switzerland, Geneva (119.59)
5.Brazil, Brasilia (118.53)
6.United Kingdom, London (118.23)
7.Greenland, Nuuk (117.14)
8.Switzerland, Zurich (116.18)
9.Hungary, Budapest (114.36)
10.Russia, Moscow (113.41)
11.Nigeria, Lagos (112.69)
12.Ireland, Dublin (112.65)
13.New Caledonia, Noumea (112.43)
14.France, Paris (112.38)
15.Chad, N'Djamena (111.3)
16.Italy, Milan (111.19)
17.Cameroon, Douala (111.06)
18.Liechtenstein, Vaduz (110.89)
19.San Marino, San Marino (110.78)
20.Monaco, Monaco (109.83)
21.Czech Republic, Prague (109.81)
22.Austria, Vienna (109.68)
23.Slovakia, Bratislava (109.31)
24.Isle of Man, Douglas (108.97)
25.Poland, Warsaw (107.63)
26.Bermuda, Hamilton (107.53)
27.Italy, Rome (107.29)
28.Finland, Helsinki (107.07)
29.Australia, Sydney (106.52)
30.USA, San Francisco Calif (104.53)
31.Cote D'Ivoire, Abidjan (104.4)
32.Venezuela, Caracas (104.02)
33.China, Hong Kong (103.43)
34.United Arab Emirates, Dubai (103.36)
35.Croatia, Zagreb (103.29)
36.Angola, Luanda (103.27)
37.Belgium, Brussels (103.19)
38.Netherlands, Amsterdam (102.33)
39.Jersey, Saint Helier (102.24)
40.Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby (102.22)
41.Korea Republic of, Seoul (101.94)
42.Iceland, Reykjavík (101.66)
43.Ukraine, Kiev (101.2)
44.Guernsey, St Peter Port (100.68)
45.Qatar, Doha (100.64)
46.Central African Republic, Bangui (100.58)
47.Spain, Madrid (100.26)
48.USA, San Jose Calif (100.13)
49.Falkland Islands, Stanley (100)
50.USA, New York NY (100)
51.Sweden, Stockholm (99.76)
52.USA, Boston Mass (99.63)
53.Cameroon, Yaounde (98.84)
54.Mali, Bamako (98.74)
55.Benin, Cotonou (98.6)
56.Germany, Berlin (98.18)
57.Micronesia, Palikir (97.98)
58.Gabon, Libreville (97.77)
59.Canada, Toronto (97.39)
60.Germany, Bonn (96.38)
61.Vatican City, Vatican City (96.23)
62.Australia, Melbourne (95.88)
63.Australia, Canberra (95.88)
64.Estonia, Tallinn (95.08)
65.Turkey, Ankara (94.87)
66.Singapore, Singapore (94.6)
67.Guinea-Bissau, Bissau (94.24)
68.USA, Los Angeles Calif (93.93)
69.Palau, Melekeok (93.85)
70.Luxembourg, Luxembourg (93.77)
71.Canada, Vancouver (93.48)
72.Portugal, Lisbon (92.84)
73.Australia, Perth (92.82)
74.Germany, Frankfurt (92.81)
75.Azerbaijan, Baku (92.76)
76.Gibraltar, Gibraltar (92.33)
77.Comores, Moroni (92.04)
78.USA, Washington DC (91.8)
79.USA, Philadelphia Pa (91.49)
80.Nauru, Yaren (91.16)
81.Kazakhstan, Almaty (90.99)
82.Bahrain, Manama (90.82)
83.USA, San Diego Calif (90.7)
84.Bahamas, Nassau (90.63)
85.Togo, Lome (90.11)
86.Taiwan, Taipei (90.07)
87.Haiti, Port-au-Prince (90)
88.Senegal, Dakar (89.57)
89.Saint Helena, Jamestown (89.26)
90.USA, Baltimore Md (89.25)
91.United Kingdom, Glasgow (88.88)
92.Djibouti, Djibouti (88.45)
93.Niger, Niamey (88.38)
94.Zambia, Lusaka (88.36)
95.USA, Seattle Wash (88.3)
96.Andorra, Andorra la Vella (88.13)
97.Vietnam, Hanoi (88.03)
98.Tonga, Nuku'Alofa (87.34)
99.Gambia, Banjul (87.23)
100.United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi (87.16)
101.Cayman Islands, George Town (86.81)
102.Sudan, Khartoum (86.64)
103.Greece, Athens (86.59)
104.Barbados, Bridgetown (86.5)
105.USA, Portland Ore (86.1)
106.Sierra Leone, Freetown (85.92)
107.Equatorial Guinea, Malabo (85.89)
108.USA, Chicago Ill (85.73)
109.Romania, Bucharest (85.55)
110.USA, Miami Fla (85.54)
111.Marshall Islands, Majuro (85.41)
112.Cyprus, Nicosia (85.26)
113.Malta, Velletta (84.99)
114.Moldova, Chisinau (84.89)
115.Ghana, Accra (84.89)
116.United Kingdom, Birmingham (84.76)
117.Canada, Montreal (84.37)
118.Algeria, Algiers (84.01)
119.Israel, Jerusalem (83.82)
120.Australia, Brisbane (83.29)
121.Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou (82.92)
122.Lebanon, Beirut (82.74)
123.Jordan, Amman (82.41)
124.Guinea, Conakry (82.16)
125.Jamaica, Kingston (82.11)
126.Philippines, Manila (82.07)
127.Georgia Republic of, Tbilisi (82.03)
128.Congo Democratic Rep, Kinshasa (81.84)
129.Seychelles, Victoria (81.78)
130.Indonesia, Jakarta (81.76)
131.USA, Las Vegas Nev (81.75)
132.Lithuania, Vilnius (81.67)
133.Vanuatu, Port Vila (81.35)
134.Grenada, Saint George's (81.23)
135.Trinidad and Tobago, Port-of-Spain (81.13)
136.Mozambique, Maputo (80.82)
137.New Zealand, Auckland (80.71)
138.Samoa, Apia (80.64)
139.Congo, Brazzaville (80.14)
140.Armenia, Yerevan (80.13)
141.Albania, Tirana (80.1)
142.Martinique, Fort-de-France (80.09)
143.Latvia, Riga (79.92)
144.Thailand, Bangkok (79.86)
145.Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tome (79.79)
146.USA, Denver Colo (79.74)
147.China, Beijing (79.73)
148.Fiji, Suva (78.99)
149.Slovenia, Ljubljana (78.85)
150.Canada, Ottawa (78.82)
151.Tuvalu, Funafuti (78.78)
152.Myanmar, Yangon (78.51)
153.Puerto Rico, San Juan (78.49)
154.Kenya, Nairobi (78.4)
155.USA, Phoenix Ariz (78.26)
156.Mauritius, Port Louis (78.25)
157.Madagascar, Antananarivo (78.24)
158.USA, Tampa Fla (78.22)
159.Serbia, Belgrade (78.13)
160.Kiribati, South Tarawa (78.06)
161.Guam, Hagatna (77.8)
162.Brunei, Bandar Seri Begawan (77.72)
163.Uruguay, Montevideo (77.41)
164.Colombia, Bogota (77.23)
165.USA, Atlanta GA (76.99)
166.Morocco, Rabat (76.93)
167.USA, Milwaukee Wis (76.77)
168.Paraguay, Asuncion (76.49)
169.Mexico, Mexico City (76.13)
170.USA, Columbus Ohio (76.06)
171.India, Mumbai (76.04)
172.Tanzania, Dar es Salaam (76)
173.Solomon Islands, Honiara (75.93)
174.USA, Cleveland Ohio (75.84)
175.USA, Detroit Mich (75.74)
176.Liberia, Monrovia (75.63)
177.USA, Austin Tex (75.57)
178.USA, Dallas Tex (75.47)
179.USA, Jacksonville Fla (75.47)
180.Australia, Adelaide (75.39)
181.Kuwait, Kuwait City (75.22)
182.Bulgaria, Sofia (75.14)
183.Saudi Arabia, Riyadh (75.08)
184.USA, Pittsburgh Penn (74.54)
185.Timor-Leste, Dili (74.29)
186.Iran, Tehran (74.24)
187.USA, Indianapolis Ind (74.13)
188.USA, Fort Worth Tex (73.64)
189.Somalia, Mogadishu (73.49)
190.Maldives, Male (73.48)
191.USA, Charlotte NC (73.47)
192.USA, Houston Tex (73.36)
193.Chile, Santiago (73.01)
194.Mauritania, Nouakchott (72.99)
195.Botswana, Gaberone (72.86)
196.Cape Verde, Praia (72.81)
197.USA, El Paso Tex (72.61)
198.Uganda, Kampala (72.25)
199.Afghanistan, Kabul (72.13)
200.Antigua and Barbuda, Saint John's (72.04)
201.USA, St Louis MO (71.93)
202.Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (71.82)
203.Peru, Lima (71.7)
204.Korea Democratic Republic of, Pyongyang (71.62)
205.Kosovo, Pristina (71.55)
206.India, New Delhi (71.4)
207.Belarus, Minsk (71.28)
208.Malawi, Lilongwe (71.24)
209.Saint Kitts and Nevis, Basseterre (71.07)
210.USA, Memphis Tenn (71.02)
211.India, Chennai (70.76)
212.Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek (70.29)
213.Burundi, Bujumbura (70.07)
214.Macedonia, Skopje (70.02)
215.USA, San Antonio Tex (70.02)
216.Guatemala, Guatemala City (69.74)
217.Honduras, Tegucigalpa (69.57)
218.Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Kingstown (69.5)
219.Canada, Calgary (69.46)
220.India, Calcutta (69.31)
221.India, Hyderabad (68.85)
222.Dominica, Roseau (68.79)
223.Rwanda, Kigali (68.75)
224.Panama, Panama City (68.58)
225.Guyana, Georgetown (68.58)
226.China, Shanghai (68.48)
227.Syria, Damascus (67.99)
228.Montenegro, Podgorica (67.75)
229.Laos, Vientiane (67.43)
230.Ethiopia, Addis Ababa (66.87)
231.Cuba, Havana (66.61)
232.Belize, Belmopan (66.33)
233.Nicaragua, Managua (65.89)
234.Nepal, Kathmandu (65.67)
235.Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo (64.93)
236.Tunisia, Tunis (64.87)
237.Suriname, Paramaribo (64.75)
238.India, Bangalore (64.56)
239.South Africa, Johannesburg (64.51)
240.Costa Rica, San Jose (64.47)
241.Egypt, Cairo (64.18)
242.El Salvador, San Salvador (63.34)
243.Swaziland, Mbabane (63.11)
244.Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar (62.85)
245.South Africa, Pretoria (62.71)
246.Oman, Muscat (61.61)
247.Saint Lucia, Castries (61.2)
248.Pakistan, Lahore (59.48)
249.Tajikistan, Dushanbe (59.25)
250.South Africa, Cape Town (58.99)
251.Namibia, Windhoek (58.89)
252.Sri Lanka, Colombo (58.51)
253.Pakistan, Islamabad (58.33)
254.Iraq, Baghdad (58.25)
255.Pakistan, Karachi (57.72)
256.Lesotho, Maseru (57.49)
257.Argentina, Buenos Aires (57.46)
258.Bangladesh, Dhaka (57.03)
259.Bhutan, Thimphu (56.78)
260.Bolivia, La Paz (56.66)
261.China, Macao (56.41)
262.South Africa, Durban (56.07)
263.Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo (54.35)
264.Ecuador, Quito (53.83)
265.Uzbekistan, Tashkent (53.03)
266.Libya, Tripoli (52.74)
267.China, Shenzhen (51.65)
268.Eritrea, Asmara (50.72)
269.China, Dalian (50.54)
270.China, Wuhan (49.93)
271.China, Guangzhou (47.28)
272.Cambodia, Phnom Penh (45.65)
273.Yemen, Sanaa (45.6)
274.Turkmenistan, Ashgabat (38.77)
275.China, Tianjin (29.5)
276.Zimbabwe, Harare (17.12)
- Currency (4)